mercoledì 22 ottobre 2008

What's going on?

Did my pornographic picture bring out the blog police? Is anyone else not seeing it anymore? Do they realise I got it from a national newspaper?
Curiouser and curiouser.....

3 commenti:

Piccola ha detto...

Never fear, it's still there.

Auré. ha detto...

Hm, I hadn't seen it, but I know what you mean. I am often shocked to see the woman presenting the news on tv with a "scollatura" like even I don't have, and that on the freakin' news! I mean, respect, hello?
But isn't it to say... I have the feeling that in ITaly, women are -too often- treated as objects. Basta guardare un qualsiasi programma o gioco in tv, per vedere donne quasi nude, all breasts and ass out, dancing or hopping around as if it was normal!
Honestly, I do think it's very disrespectful.

Karen ha detto...

I've been seeing the pacche all along.